
6 major pandemics that the world has seen till date

This COVID-19 pandemic has seen the suffering of billions. Millions of people died and their families got destroyed. Wearing masks and maintaining social distancing has become new normal. Lockdowns got imposed in various countries to prevent the spread of this deadly virus. But do you know there have been similar major pandemics in the past? Check out this list!

1. The Black Death (Plague)


The Black Death struck Europe and Asia in October 1347.  It did spread from 12 ships that came through the Black Sea. These ships were termed death ships by the authorities. Most sailors on the ships were dead, and those still alive were severely ill and covered in black boils with blood and pus.  This virus traveled through the air, as well as through the bite of infected fleas and rats. Authorities contained its spread by isolation of sailors. But do you know it still exists! But thanks to medicines and advanced medical science, it’s not as dangerous as earlier.

2. The Spanish Flu (Influenza)

The Spanish Flu is considered the deadliest pandemic in world history. Due to a lack of vaccines and medicines, people were ordered to wear masks. Public places including schools, businesses, and were shuttered, and bodies were piled up in morgues. Well, its symptoms were almost the same as that of COVID-19 like coughing, sneezing, fever, fatigue, etc. It led to a heavy death toll. Approx 20-50 million died in all after the second wave. Doesn’t it sound the same as coronavirus? Due to no effective vaccine, it got ended in 1919 as many were dead and others who survived had developed immunity.


AIDS was first identified in American gay communities in 1981 but is believed to have spread from a chimpanzee. It destroys the immune system, resulting in eventual death by diseases that the body would usually fight off. Its symptoms include fever, headache, and enlarged lymph nodes. When symptoms subside, carriers become highly infectious through blood and genital fluid. It’s a disease that we are still battling with. AIDS can spread from sexual intercourse with the infected person or through used needles with the blood samples of the infected person.


SARS is believed to have started with bats, spread to cats and then to humans in China, infecting 8,096 people and 774 deaths. It was first identified in 2003 and symptoms include respiratory problems, dry cough, fever, head, and body aches. Its spread was contained by quarantine.

5. Smallpox

Though the exact origin of smallpox is unknown, it is the only human disease to have been eradicated by vaccination. Fever, fatigue, headache, sore throat, and vomiting were the common symptoms that developed along with a raised rash on the face and body, and sores formed inside the mouth, throat, and nose. The estimated worldwide deaths from smallpox were more than 300 million.

6. COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

A pandemic that emerged in 2019 and is still being fought, is Coronavirus. It was first detected in Wuhan and the symptoms include fever, fatigue, body ache, diarrhea, and coughing. Masks and social distancing have become new normal. More than 4 million people have lost their lives as of 7th July 2021. This disease can be fought only if all citizens get vaccinated. Governments of all countries are urging people to get vaccinated and stop this pandemic.


5 major pandemics in history5 major pandemics that the world has seen till dateAIDS/ HIVAmerican gay communitiesCOVID-19deadliest virus in historydeath shipsHow did pandemics end in past?InfluenzaSARSSmallpoxThe Black DeathThe Spanish Flu