Top 10 types of cookies you can’t miss!

We all love cookies, in fact, isn’t it the best on-the-go snack to lighten up those cravings? There are a variety of cookies available. Here are the Top 10 types of cookies you can’t miss!

1. Biscotti
Biscotti are a type of long, dry, hard biscuits. Just as their name suggests, Bis meaning twice and Cotto meaning baked, these cookies are baked twice. They are first baked in a log, then sliced into individual pieces and baked again. This is why they have a longer shelf life. It is also known as Cantuccini.


2. Spritz cookies

Spritz cookies are buttery and sweet and, contain an egg. Eggs help the spritz cookies hold their shape when baked, so they don’t crumble as shortbread cookies do. The word “spritz” is a German word spritzen which means “to squirt.” This refers to squirting or pushing the cookie dough through a cookie press. Quite a weird logic but then that’s true.

3. Thumbprint cookies

As the name suggests, this cookie is made by making an imprint of thumb in the cookie which is then filled with various flavored jams. But if you are trying them at home, do not press doe too hard otherwise it might crack. It’s a good choice for your younger ones.

4. Macarons

These macarons are layered cookie sandwiches with a creamy or flavored filling. They are common in France as it is believed that these macarons originated in the same country. These are usually made up of almond flour and sugar.

5. Fortune Cookies

These pretty cookies have an unclear origin but taste almost like butter cookies. The unique thing about these cookies is that they contain a special message. In Japan, they even contain a negative message which is believed to be prevented by trying it to a bamboo.

6. Icebox Cookies

Icebox cookies or refrigerator cookies are a type of cookie in which the dough is prepared, rolled into a log shape, and refrigerated until the dough is firm. The dough is then removed from the refrigerator and sliced into individual pieces, which are then baked.

7. Gingerbread cookies

Most common holiday and festival cookie especially for Christmas, this cookie is generally of a shape of a man. In fact, there are contests held for gingerbread decoration. If you haven’t tried it yet, you must do it this Christmas.

8. Chocochip cookies

We all love choco-chip cookies but do you know these cookies were rather a mistake. In 1930, Ruth Graves Wakefield, who ran the Toll House Inn in Whitman, Massachusetts, ran out of baker’s chocolate and substituted for it with pieces of Nestle’s® semi-sweet chocolate.

9. Oatmeal and Raisin Cookies

Well, cookies are for health-conscious people too. Especially this lip snacking oatmeal and raisin cookie which has brown sugar and healthy nuts. Also, you can choose a honey or sugar-free option if you are concerned about weight gain.

10. Sugar Cookies

As the name suggests, sugar is the main ingredient for these cookies. They’re fun to decorate and easy to make using simple ingredients. In 2015, Pillsbury earned the world record for most cookies/biscuits iced in one hour, enlisting the help of shoppers at Mall of America to decorate a total of 1,169 sugar cookies.