Goldfishes are growing much larger in size in Burnsville city

The city of Burnsville in Minnesota asks residents to give their pet goldfish to a responsible friend instead of throwing it in a waterway as the goldfishes are growing much larger in size. The city has partnered with the city of Apple Valley and Carp Solutions to conduct a fish survey on Keller Lake to assess populations of invasive goldfish and other fish in the lake.
“Instead of releasing your pet goldfish in a local lake or pond, please consider other options for finding them a new home like asking a responsible friend or neighbor to care for it.” the city of Burnsville said in a Facebook post.
Please don't release your pet goldfish into ponds and lakes! They grow bigger than you think and contribute to poor water quality by mucking up the bottom sediments and uprooting plants.
Groups of these large goldfish were recently found in Keller Lake.— City of Burnsville (@BurnsvilleMN) July 9, 2021